June 25, 2006

Republicans run Amok on Flag Burning

The Republican controlled Senate, led by Bill Frist, thinks that it needs to prohibit free speech by disallowing the burning of the American Flag. He wants to do this by changing the Constitution.

This would put us with States such as Cuba, China, Nazi Germany and Iran as Countries that do not allow the burning of the American Flag.

Though it pisses me off when someone burns the flag, that is what living in a free country is all about. We should not limit speech simply because we find it reprehensible. If you are protesting something America does, what better way to get attention than to burn the American flag?

Another reason why Republicans are out of control, and need to lose power this fall.

Then, maybe we can get some fiscal discipline in Washington.

Posted by psugrad98 at June 25, 2006 09:44 AM | TrackBack

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