June 26, 2006

ACLU and the God issue

A valedictorian had her microphone cut out when she mentioned God in a speech at her commencement.

A Nevada high schooler who tried to use the G-word during her valedictorian speech had her microphone cut by school officials worried about what they said was possible proselytizing during a school sponsored event, reports the Associated Press.

Officials from the Clark County school district cut off Foothill High School valedictorian Brittany McComb as soon as she began deviating from a pre-approved speech and reading from a version that mentioned God and made references to the Bible.

The local branch of the ACLU said the school did the right thing, but some of the 400 people attending the event disagreed and jeered when the ceremony went silent

Of course the ACLU agreed with this. The ACLU has never seen a civil liberty it understood fully or didn't want to twist to it's own perversions

Let her speak for Christ's sake.

Posted by psugrad98 at June 26, 2006 11:09 AM | TrackBack

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