June 22, 2006

Conservatives are no longer conservative.

Foxnews picks up on the horrible Supreme Court Decision written by Radley Balko of The Agitator. Where is Hannity being upset about this? When did conservatives stop being conservatives? I guess it IS ok to sqush civil rights when it is done to stop people from doing things conservatives don't want you to do, like smoke weed, or drive after more than one beer.

Posted by psugrad98 at June 22, 2006 08:54 AM | TrackBack

Yeah, I'm pretty much done with the GOP. I've come to the realization that the two party system is a crock of shit, and any perception that we're better or worse off under either of these parties is purely an illusion. America's only hope is the Libertarian party. I figure it might even be realistic in our lifetimes. People are getting more and more fed up, which will lead them to either stop voting or choose a third party. After each election cycle, the third party gains more support, and the voter turnout drops, thereby reducing the number of votes the third party needs to attain. I think that the Libertarian party's ideals are really what America is all about, and I think most people can identify with them. They lose the likely voters because the likely voters are more afraid of "the other guy" getting in power. I stopped giving a shit. I know for sure that the GOP can control all areas of government for 50 years, and we'd be no better off than where we are today. The perverse alliance of government, corporations, and wealth-spawn with no perspective and too much free time will continue to destroy this country until REAL reform. I once read "The solution to 1984 is 1776" I hope it never needs to happen, but perhaps it's already too late. Their money is pretty powerful.

Posted by: Daniel J. Kelly at June 22, 2006 05:19 PM

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