February 23, 2005

Virus Update

germ.jpg I'm still sickly. I am feeling better though. Though as Sarah points out, the bug is moving backwards. I don't wish death upon the one who gave me and the wife the bug anymore. Tonight I'll go for a frosty beer and smoke a cigar.

A funny thing happened today. While trying to backup my photos from iPhoto to my iPod, I accidentially copied all the photo referencers to my desktop. Since they were protected systems files they couldn't be delted in the normal fashion.

Each time I tried to delete a reference I had to hit the "continue" button to properly delete it. Since there were 1025 of them, it took a while. My finger hurts from hitting the mouse button 1025 times.

In refernece to an earlier post about the "student" accused of conspiring to kill President Bush, it seems he has supporters.

I wonder if they are the same ones who wear "Free Mumia" shirts

Posted by psugrad98 at February 23, 2005 11:38 AM

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