February 03, 2005

A KOS by any other name

A very popular blog that many American hating leftists read is The Daily Kos. This blog could give an Instalanche to Instapundit, as KOS gets about twice the readership of the puppy blender.

The Weekly Standard has a very good story about Kos that shows despite his wacko left leanings and hate filled venom, readers stay put and so do advertisers. Many advertisers are liberal Democrat politicans.

TEN MONTHS AGO Kos's ascendancy seemed hardly pre-ordained. On April 1, 2004, Kos responded to the savage murder of four American contractors in Falluja by writing, "I feel nothing over the death of the mercenaries [sic]. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them."

At the time of this outburst, Kos was using his blog as a platform to create advertising revenue and to establish credibility for a political consulting business. His outburst threatened to destroy the budding project.

Immediately Kos' foils in the conservative blogosphere demanded that the politicians who advertised on Daily Kos remove their ads and disassociate themselves from both the site and its proprietor. One of the first to heed this call was Texas Democrat Martin Frost. His campaign noted its departure from Kos's site by saying, "There is no place for these disgusting remarks in this nation's discussion on foreign policy." Other campaigns followed the Frost campaign's lead and it seemed like Kos might have been in trouble.

But then something funny happened. While politicians distanced themselves from the site, Kos's fans stayed put. A quick glance at Kos's traffic figures for April of 2004 shows no drop-off in the wake of Moulitsas' controversial comments.

I expect a pundit like Kos to say wacky things. But I expect the public to know when they are reading a wacko. When Kos in effect said that he didn't care about the dead contractors and his readership didn't drop off, it goes a long way to explain what the left has become.

The National Review has a great article detailing how the left has become a wacko party of division.

Posted by psugrad98 at February 3, 2005 08:24 AM

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