February 03, 2005

Philly Smoking Ban on the way.

Philly mayor John Street, the corrput and morally bankrupt mayor who singlehandedly has ruined the progress and economic successes made by previous mayor now Governor Ed Rendell is now proposing a smoking ban in the city.

Mayor John Street recently announced that one of his main legislative goals for 2005 is the implementation of a smoking ban in Philadelphia's restaurants, bars and other public spaces.

The Philadelphia City Council is currently not in session, but the smoking ban will be one of the possible bills discussed during the first meeting on Jan. 26th.

Student smokers are likely to find their indoor smoking possibilities further limited; University regulations currently prohibit smoking in nonresidential buildings except in certain designated areas.

"Currently, it seems as if there would be little opposition to the ban," said Street spokeswoman Deborah Bolling, "but we can't be sure, since the Council isn't in session."

How hard is it for these dracnonian asshole to understand free market economics. If a bar wants to allow smoking they should allow smoking. I don't like rap music at bars, so I don't go to those bars, should be ban it.

I know smoking is a little different, but there are lots of things that can hurt you, and government shouldn't make that determination for me.

This guy has it all right.

From personal observation I know many restaurants, without orders from the Council Nanny, already have banned smoking (Famous Deli, for example), while others permit it only at the bar (Valanni, for example), or have created a smoke-only alcove (the Palm, for example).

These are solutions provided by the free market.

They are not good enough for Nutter, who says science proves it's "impossible" to screen out all smoke "particulates" in restaurants.

Impossible? A wall could be built between smokers and nonsmokers.

That would be costly, Nutter says.

Let the owners make that call, I say. His not-yet-writ bill is expected to be an all-out ban extending its tentacles even to private clubs.

Here's how I see it: If a restaurant allows smoking and tobacco smoke makes you retch, go to another restaurant. I don't like to watch belly-dancing while I eat, but I wouldn't ban it from Middle Eastern restaurants. I would just eat elsewhere.

If you are among the minority who is dying to smoke (pun intended), you can choose a restaurant that permits it.

I visit Philly about 4 times a year. I enjoy getting dressed up in a suit, and going to eat. I enjoy sitting at a bar, preferably Mahogany on Walnut, with my Cigar, bourbon in the other hand and enjoy the metropolitan life. I guess soon, I won't visit Philly. I'll just stay home go to the Elks, and smoke my cigar.

Posted by psugrad98 at February 3, 2005 08:53 AM

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