February 02, 2005

SOTU: Breakdown of Liberal's minds

No live blogging for me tonight. I'm going to watch SOTU address and comment on it tomorrow, and I'll be sure to let Wizbang know.

Here is my prediction on what will happen. Bush will lay out clear plan on what he wants to do in the world. That includes freedom and democracy for all, option for private accounts in social security, a diet plan for Michael Moore, and candy for all babies.

The Democrat response will be opposite whatever President Bush says tonight. If he said he wanted a cure for Cancer, I'm sure Nancy Pelosi would find something wrong with it.

I also look for moronic catch phrases from the Democrats. My favorite last year was from Ms. Pelosi herself. I paraphrase here: "I want our foreign policy to be a beacon of light and not a guided missle"

Well that guided missle just brought democracy to about 10 million people in the past year. More than her "beacon of light" ever brought about.

The Democrats continue to lose it.


I didn't get a chance to see the whole thing, so it would be journalistic like CBS to comment. Read Michelle Malkin

Posted by psugrad98 at February 2, 2005 08:01 PM

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