March 02, 2004

The Gun Grabbers are at it Again

Senators Karl Marx, Vladimiris Lennin, Adulterours Lurch, and Drunken Bastard after shitting on the Constitution
In a 52-47 vote today, the Senate authorized reinstating the "assault weapons" ban. It was a rider on an important piece of legislation which protects gun makers and sellers from ambulance chasers like John Edwards from getting richer and exploiting sins of smackheads and other assorted vagants.

But the funny thing is, in passing it, they ultimately doomed it.

WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats gunning for a ban on assault weapons unexpectedly forced down a bill Tuesday that would have prevented gun manufacturers from liability after the bill's sponsor said the amendment made the measure too unpalatable.

The Senate voted 90-8 to defeat the bill that would deny victims the opportunity to sue gunmakers and dealers when their products are used in a crime. The vote followed a 52-47 vote to attach an amendment that would have renewed for 10 years the assault weapons ban (search) set to expire this year.

Posted by psugrad98 at March 2, 2004 01:59 PM

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