March 02, 2004

A Conservative Cartoon

This is from my weekly "Left Coast Report", courtesy of

"This Just In."

Actually, that's the title of a new animated comedy series that will debut Sunday, March 14 on Spike TV. Believe it or not, the thing leans to the right.

The show is the creation of producer and standup comedian Steve Marmel and Spike exec Kevin Kay.

The series follows a journalist and his friends as they explore news, politics and pop culture from a distinctly conservative perspective. Guess there are some conservative professionals brave enough to invade the enemy territory of Tinseltown after all.

To drive this point home, the lead character of the show, reporter Brian Newport, is so enamored with the Bush administration he sees Condoleezza Rice as a sex symbol.

The Left Coast Report hopes that folks left and right of center toon in to the show.

Posted by psugrad98 at March 2, 2004 12:54 PM

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