December 09, 2003


From Reuters

A small earthquake has shook the Mid-Atlantic states, rocking some buildings in downtown Richmond, Virginia. The 4.5 magnitude quake wasz also felt in Washington DC and points north.

Democratic Presidential hopeful Howard Dean was quick to offer a comment.

"This is the sort of thing to expect from such a miserable failure as President" he went on during his speech to a black church "he has mislead the American people to believe that an earthquake could not happen"

Other candidates have also commented on the quake while campaigning from the New Hampshire and Iowa.

John Kerry quipped "A true leader would not let this fucking happen"


Posted by psugrad98 at December 9, 2003 04:39 PM

Tom: sorry i haven't been around for a while. O like the "new: look of your digs here. ~~Cool~~

Posted by: The Bartender at December 9, 2003 09:02 PM

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