December 10, 2003

John Fucking Kerry

John Fucking Kerry is at it again. His new target of socialist hatred is the NRA. In a letter written to Federal Election Commission Chairwoman Ellen Weintraub he asked the commission to block any attempt by the NRA to get a media exemption to campaign finance rules.

You see, the NRA is trying to get around the unconstitutional McCain-Blindfold Campaing Finance law which banns groups like the NRA from running ads identifying federal candidates close to elections in states where they are on the ballot.

Mr. Kerry sais in his letter:

"We urge you to prevent the NRA from hijacking America's airwaves with the gun lobby's money,"If the NRA has something to say, it can play by the rules, just like the millions of people in America who do every day."

If the NRA had a media channel they would be free to editorialize and identify candidates like the New York Times, LA Times, and The Washington Post do. These papers slant decidedly to the left and are free to identify candidates whom they oppose.

According to the McCain-Blindfold bill a rich man like Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. who runs the New York times can direct the power of his paper to attempt to shape politics while a group made up of dues paying private citizens cannot do the same.

Of course it doesn't help that President Bush, in a spineless political move, signed the bill. If democrats want to point to someone who has trampled our free speech rights, look no farther than our Commander-In-Chief, at least in this instance.

Posted by psugrad98 at December 10, 2003 08:46 AM

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