December 09, 2003

Atkins Shmatkins

What's the deal with all this low carb shit. There is low carb bread, pasta, meals, even beer.

Bread bakers and such are complaining that people aren't buying bread anymore because of the low carb craze.

Even KFC is advertising that their chicken only has 11 carbs per piece (which, incidentally is a shitload of carbs)

The bigger point is that as Americans we are dumb sheep. Like lemmings we go off a cliff following the herd.

Remember ALAR? Cholesterol in eggs? Butter? All these things were proven to be bunk. Most peole can eat a half dozen eggs a week and not affect their cholesterol. Butter was proven to be better than margarine (Olio for those of you in the heartland) because of the transfatty acids which are far worse for you than any fats or cholesterol in butter.

If you eat sensibly, you can eat most anything. Just don't eat a pound of bacon a day, or tablespoons of lard, and you won't die young or anything.

Posted by psugrad98 at December 9, 2003 02:28 PM

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