August 25, 2007

Do as I say

Robert Byrd, the longtime Senator from West Virginia and past KKK member recently got out of a traffic ticket for ramming into the back of a van.

In early May, Senator Robert C. Byrd, a longtime and powerful Democrat from West Virginia, was following a van too closely on U.S. Route 50 in Fairfax, Virginia, when the van stopped for traffic.

Byrd's 1999 Cadillac slammed into the rear of the van. It took a tow truck more than an hour to pry the vehicles apart.

Byrd's car was not drivable and suffered an estimated $7,000 in damage. The driver of the 1990 Ford Econoline van, Chris Lee, 42, a house painter from Fairfax, said he didn't hear any sounds indicating that Byrd hit the brakes or swerved.

"Just boom," Lee said.

The Fairfax County police officer who investigated the accident had started to write the 81-year-old Senator a traffic ticket when Bryd pulled a copy of the U.S. Constitution out of his pocket and pointed to a section that he said the cop prevented the cop for ticketing him for anything because he, as a member of Congress "shall in all cases, except treason, felony and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest" both while attending a session and traveling to or from the Capitol.

On one hand I think it's cool that he knows the Constitution so well, and I guess he's entitled to use it. But it just shows that members of Congress are a privledged class of people. Above you and me.

What makes me really mad is that while they skirt the law using their authority and power to do so, they pass ever more intrusive nanny laws upon us!

Posted by psugrad98 at August 25, 2007 06:10 AM | TrackBack

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