August 23, 2007

Stupid State Police Tricks

The stupid State Police who run the Pennsylvania Insta-Check system that allows us gun owners to buy guns is going to shut down the system for 5 days starting next week. For 5 days there will be no gun sales. Maybe longer, because if there are computer issues then it may take longer.

People are pissed

HARRISBURG - Conspiracy, idiocy or just plain political opportunity?

When it comes to the issue of guns in Pennsylvania, the answer depends on geography - or so suggests the latest flap over Gov. Rendell's decision to shut down the state's instant background check system for gun purchases between Sept. 2 and 6.

The reason: much-needed computer upgrades.

The fallout: people won't be able to buy guns for four days - four days that coincide with the start of hunting season, when doves and early Canada geese become fair game, hunting enthusiasts say.

I am not against having to shut down the system to do upgrades, but they should do it incrimentally. Over several Sundays. But to do it at the start of hunting season? That is plain stupid.

No one ever said our State cops were smart.

Posted by psugrad98 at August 23, 2007 07:29 AM | TrackBack

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