Today, in the rain, my wife and I went mushroom hunting. It is mid October and though the summer was dry, it is Mitake season. Around here we refer to the Mitake as Ram's Heads, but they also go by common names of Hen of the Woods, and Chicken of the woods.
I'd never had one, but people practically kill for these shrooms. They are somewhat rare, and to purchase them would cost a pretty penny ideed. They are pretty easy to find if you know what you're looking for. They seem to grow aound or on dead or dying oak trees. They are also enourmous, getting as big as 50 or 60 pounds. We found our smallish 2 pound mushroom, cleaned it, dipped it in egg wash and breading and fried it in some canola oil. Oh my God. It was perhaps one of the best things I've ever tasted.
Read more about it here.