October 07, 2005


Here is my take on the Meiers nomination, and it parallells closely the writings of David Frum over at NRO.

He writes

1) Hewitt foresees all kinds of Republican political opportunities in 2006. He's deluding himself. 2006 will be a high-intensity, high-turnout year for Democrats, as was 2004. The only way Republicans avoid disaster is by doing an even better job with turnout and intensity. And how intense are you feeling right now? The right nomination could have helped save Rick Santorum and Mike DeWine. This nomination could well demoralize the Republican voting base enough - in conjunction with immigration, over-spending, and the mishandling of Katrina, plus continuing trouble in Iraq - to cost at least two Senate seats.

I am a conservative, but I am really unhappy with Bush. His handling of the war on terror since bumbling the rebuilding of Iraq, utter failure to stop spending. I thought Democrats spent a lot. This President is setting records.
And now this nomination. It stinks of cronyism, and just weeks after FEMA director who was unqualified (but got the job because of being frindly with President Bush) and had to step down because of being horrible at his job.

I AM demoralized, and as one of the fighters in the trenches of conservatism, this nomination is a spit in the face by Bush. He may have just killed the conservative movement.

Posted by psugrad98 at October 7, 2005 12:56 PM | TrackBack

...your problem is putting faith in politicians (..any politician).

...your second problem is putting faith in the government (.. any government) to ultimately do what's right.

...I suspect your third problem is believing yourself to be a "conservative". I doubt you could clearly state your core 'conservative' political principles (...but you might give it a try here).

Your disenchantment with Mr Bush is quite understandable since he is a socialist at the core (...'neocon' being the more popular term for that American political persuasion these days).

Consider 'why' you were so easily fooled by necon Bush ??

Posted by: calvert at October 15, 2005 03:34 PM

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