May 03, 2005

Air UnAmerica Update

Air America, the mostly privately funded liberal talk radio station really is upset that George Bush won the election, going to far as to say things that most people would not be for, even fair minded liberals I know.


Take Randi Rhoades. In a recent clip she compared George Bush to Fredo Corleone, and suggested someone take him on a fishing trip and kill him.

Don't believe me? Take a listen.

Here is the clip

What is really sick, is that she is the leading commentary for liberals in America.

Posted by psugrad98 at May 3, 2005 07:58 AM

Here is another reason the left is taken less and less seriously. The democratic party seems to be in such disarray. The USS Moonbat is listing bad.

Posted by: tomslick at May 3, 2005 09:50 AM

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