I live in Pennsylvania, and I am very lucky that we live in a very friendly CCW state. I can carry a gun most anywhere. Except for a government building or a school, I can pack.
Though it doesn't mean I pack in all places. I don't pack at church (if I went), because that just seems wrong. But what happened in Wisconsin might make me want to protect myself from scumbags who want to do me in.
March 13 (Bloomberg) -- A gunman in suburban Milwaukee opened fire at a church service in a hotel yesterday afternoon, killing seven people before shooting himself, local law- enforcement authorities said.
Brookfield Police Chief Daniel Tushaus, speaking at a televised news conference today, identified the shooter as Terry Ratzmann, 44, of New Berlin, Wisconsin. Tushaus said the motive for the shooting was unclear and there is no evidence of a conspiracy or that other suspects were involved.
According to reports I've read people hid under chairs waiting to die. Defenseless.
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Kim Du Toit has a good philosophy on this shooting. If they had concealed carry laws in Wisconsin, maybe someone would have been carrying a weapon for self defence, and that gobblin would be "in the express lanes to file grievences with God".
I'll pray to God to save my soul, but let my Glock take care of my ass. |
I am not Christian but even so I find that picture offensive on behalf of TRUE christains.. and I expect Jesus/God do to if they exist. Jesus was about love... not being a redneck with guns. On another note
In relation to this post which I found randomly surfing the net...
November 08, 2004
Democracy Sucks
I am unveiling a new category today in my blog. The new category will highlight how much liberals really hate his fine country of ours and will do anything to apologize for terrorists and countries like France.
It constantly amazes me that the Americans hate the French so much. It seems you guys forget that it if wasn't for them that America would still be part of the commonwealth - and the world probably be a better place for it. In a lot of battles in the Independance war the British surrened to the French... not the Americans. The French supplied weapons, blockaded British ports and otherwise supported the American independance war. Futhermore the statue of liberty is a present from the French and many of your countires ideals came from the French revolution. It seems the Americans are even better at ignoring the past than the French.
On the matter of liberals. Wasn't it Roosevelt that led America during the Second World War and brought the USA out of the Great Depression? Yes liberals indeed hate your country... thats why they constantly save it from collapsing.
PS. I am an aussie if you are confused as to my nationality
Posted by: Hugh Bampton at March 17, 2005 10:03 AMThanks so much for speaking on behalf of Christians even though you are not one. ??????????????
Please chime in on how muslims, pygmies, anderson tree frogs, thompsons gazelles, and morphodites think about the pic too while you're at it.
Posted by: tomslick at April 1, 2005 01:15 PMIt seems to me that people are more upset about this picture of Jesus holding a gun then the fact that some psycho opened up and killed a bunch of people during a church service.