October 01, 2004

Stupid High School

Parkland High school here in my area isn't sending their marching band when President Bush comes to Allentown because they don't want to seem like they are supporting a candidate.

''I feel that having our students participate in a partisan event could be divisive to our community,'' said Parkland Superintendent Louise Donahue, announcing the decision Thursday. ''We don't want to appear to be supporting any particular viewpoint. We need to remain neutral. We're a public school district.''

So, too, are the Saucon Valley and Northampton Area school districts, but officials from each said their marching bands will play for President Bush.

''It's a real simple reason: The kids are dying to do it,'' Saucon Valley Superintendent Rick Grove said. ''When we announced we were going ahead, we got a standing ovation. I can't remember the last time I got a standing ovation.''

First off: He IS the President. To deny kids a chance to play for the President is petty.

Second: If I was in High School and had a chance to play for John Kerry, I'd still do it. It's still a once in a lifetime chance to do.

Stupid public school.

Posted by psugrad98 at October 1, 2004 08:54 AM

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