July 14, 2004

Boots keeps me sane

Boots is my buddy, and I thought I'd share a few pics as I am pretty busy today.


My job is pretty tough, especially when I have to try to work around this fool sitting on my desk ALL DAY

Boots is my Maine Coon. He is very big and is my buddy. Unlike Nittany who is more a baby, Boots likes to follow me around and being wherever I am.

When I come down in the morning he follows me trilling, chirping and meowing in his tiny voice.

Cute Boots.

Posted by psugrad98 at July 14, 2004 01:08 PM

That is one big freakin' cat!!!

Posted by: Suzy at July 14, 2004 08:30 PM

What a beautiful... uh, I mean, handsome... cat!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 20, 2004 07:33 PM

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