April 13, 2004

Liberals are the Anti-Christ

I finally shaved my beard off a week or so ago. I'm still getting used to having a face again. One of the things I enjoyed about having a beard was stroking it thoughtfully while thinking, or when democrats say stupid things.

Which brings me to today's random musing from DU.

On talking about his need to apologize for 9/11 during his presser tonight:

-- not that i want him to. not that i think for a second he will ....... but if he got in front of the american people tomorrow, shrugged his shoulders, acted humble, and said "i blew it and i am so sorry," he'd win big in november.

however, and i guess this is my point, he is so full of hubris, denial, and condescending rich boy pride, it would never in a million years occur to him to do something as simple and human as that.

he could get re-elected in a heartbeat, but his own stupidity will keep him from it.

thank goodness for his stupidity.

I don't know why I even waste my time with this stupidity. These people are totally hateful, UN-American, fuckers.

How about this: While Bin Laden threatened America; blew up embassies, 1993 WTC, and the USS Cole, Bill Clinton was getting his dick sucked. He was too busy being a stupid redneck from Arkansas to protect this country.

Or John Fuckface Kerry said in his depositions to congress after the Vietnam war that HE was involved in those mass killings, mutilations, and such. If that is true, then HE should be taken to the Hague and tried on war crimes. Punishable by death if found guilty by the international court.

But that would be if liberals actually followed the law they like to hold Conservatives to.

Posted by psugrad98 at April 13, 2004 12:56 PM

You are so right and your point is so obvious, it's sad that it needs to be made. But it does.

Posted by: annika at April 13, 2004 07:16 PM

Punishable by death if found guilty by the international court./B>

well, yeah. except that bush isnt willing to let american servicemen appear in front of the international court. as far as i am aware, an american serving in vietnam counts as being an american serviceman.

Posted by: mark at April 14, 2004 09:57 PM

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