March 05, 2004

Take my governor....Please!!

There are a lot of names going around as possible running mates for Lurch as he prepares to pick his veep. John Edwards, Bill Richardson, and Hillary Clinton are some. Another is current Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell. This former head of the DNC would be an excellent choice for Luch. I urge him to pick Fast Eddie. His current approval rating here in PA is in the mid 30s, and his disapproal rating is about 45%. He is a typical Big City Liberal, being the former mayor of Philly.

Pennsylvanians are pessimistic about the future and none too happy with the governor, according to the latest Daily News/CN8 Keystone Poll.Gov. Rendell's approval ratings are the lowest since he took office in January 2003. Only 37 percent rate his performance as excellent or good. By contrast, Gov. Tom Ridge held a 61 percent excellent or good rating at a comparable point in his first term.And for the first time since 1995, more residents say things are "off on the wrong

Go ahead, commit political suicide Lurch, pick Fast Eddie, please!!

Fast Eddie with John Street, current corrupt mayor of Philly

Posted by psugrad98 at March 5, 2004 08:49 AM

They can't have my governer... He's dead. Well, I suppose TECHNICALLY the NEW governer isn't dead, but I like to say that people are dead so Joe Kernan can just piss off. ;P

**links you**

Posted by: Taron W at March 5, 2004 12:28 PM

Hey, I'm another PA blogger. I'll be voting for Toomey on April 26th, will you?

I can't give The Spectre the boot fast enough...

On a Fast Eddie note, I went to a Hannity & Colmes taping in downtown Philly. One of their guests was Ed Rendell. When he was brought on stage, there was a chorus of boos and a smattering of applause. Once that died down, someone in the back shouted "Go home, Fast Eddie! No one cares what you think!", which elicited a good amount of laughter from the WPHT-listening crowd.

Anyways, cheers!

Posted by: Doug Stewart at March 5, 2004 11:47 PM

That's funny Doug. Yes, I will be voting for Toomey. I can't stand Spectral. He's an ass.

Posted by: Tom at March 6, 2004 07:23 AM

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