I know a murdurer. I sat next to him at dinner several times. I even rode in his car. He seemed like a nice enough guy. He was smart, funny, and very personable. He is in jail now, for killing his wife with a shotgun.
I knew him in my work, he did the same thing I did for a different county in Pennsylvania. At meetings where we would all get together I would see him, talk with him as some of our appointed tasks were similar and we wanted to share the results of our work.
Now, from what I hear he did this in passion. He got in a fight, grabbed the shotgun and pulled a Jayson Williams.
It's just strange that people you know, people you feel are good upstanding citizens are capable of horrible acts, and that you can never really trust anyone, because everyone is capabale of horrible acts.
Posted by psugrad98 at March 5, 2004 08:22 AM