March 03, 2004

Gun Grabber Update

Just for your information, the following fake Republicans voted FOR the assault weapons amendment to the gun liability bill, which caused it to die, furthering the liklihood that John Edwards type ambulance chasers will try to put gun makers out of business.

Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island
Susan Collins of Maine
Mike DeWine of Ohio
Peter Fitzgerald of Illinois
Judd Gregg of New Hampshire
Richard Lugar of Indiana
Gordon Smith of Oregon
Olympia Snowe of Maine
George Voinovich of Ohio
John Warner of Virginia

Alren Specter voted correctly as it is an election year.

Arlen Specter says: "Wait, I follow Scottish Law, none of that silly United States Constitution.

Posted by psugrad98 at March 3, 2004 08:22 AM

dont forget to add Bush to that list. Its a sad story....I was shocked when i read this.,2933,86415,00.html

Posted by: Chad C. at March 3, 2004 09:20 PM

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