About 2 years ago, at a previous job, a co-worker had a house he owned burn down. He was renting it to an old man, a hermit, who saved everything. He had piles and piles of newspapers, bags, and boxes. Well, he also smoked cigarettes. Well, 2 + 2, and it made for a situation which caused a huge fire.
Now to California: Liberal's paradise. A state which is so beholdant to leftist promoting the destruction of the second amendment, amnesty for illegal immigrant, as well as the world famous environmental extremists.
The environmental lobby is so strong in California that it is virtually impossible to be granted logging permits to clear old growth. It is practically a felony in some areas to even clear out old dead twigs and trees which are now fueling these huge fires.
You see, what we are doing is unnatural. In nature there are forest fires occasionally. They happen when lightning strikes usually. They move fast, are easy to put out, and in effect clear out all the old growth, leaving behind a healthy forest. There was one near where I live about 20 years ago; the forest is healthier for it now.
But modern environmental policies dictate that those fires are put out immediately. It wouldn't be so bad if we would then manually clear out old timber and dead trees to promote a healthy forest.
California is a liberal's paradise. And look what it got them. A state in financial trouble. Businesses are leaving. The population is shrinking. And the great lefty environmental policies are causing people to die and houses to burn.
Do we really want a nanny state like this?