May 17, 2008

Sick of the campaign

Sick that is of the election already. I am sick of the constant talk of the campaign. I am sick of seeing shots of Barack Obama eating pancakes, Hillary doing boilermakers, and John McCain sitting in front of a rows of American Flags.

None of them are fit to be President in my opinion. John McCain is probably the least offensive of them.

I am most sick of people treating Mr. Obama like he is the chosen one, giving him preferential treatment. I am sick of him pandering to voters on things such as guns; talking about a love of the 2nd amendment to voters in Indiana, and bashing it in Philly.

All three of them are what is wrong in America now. America is in danger of losing it's way. Not because of Americans not willing to work or to innovate, but of the government getting in the way.

We have one of the highest corporate tax rates in the free world. Politicians talk about the need for our economy to righten, but bash companies when they make money.

Government regulations and stupidity have gotten in the way of allowing this country to be great. We rose from a small band of 13 colonies to the dominant world superpower in a short 150 years or so. This was done because there was limited government and freedom.

Each candidate talks about things such as federalism, free market capitalism, and liberty but do things that are diametrically opposed to such measures.

The quote at the top of my blog says it well. We would be wise to heed the words of Thomas Jefferson on liberty and limited government.

Posted by psugrad98 at May 17, 2008 07:06 AM | TrackBack

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Posted by: frkhyb at May 18, 2008 09:29 AM
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