August 15, 2007

18 Years Old

There is talk afoot about lowering the drinking age to 18. I think it's a good idea.

Over the strong objection of federal safety officials, a quiet movement to lower the legal drinking age to 18 is taking root as advocates argue that teenagers who are allowed to vote and fight for their country should also be able to enjoy a beer or two.

The proposal, which is the subject of a national petition drive by the National Youth Rights Association, has been studied in a handful of states in recent years, including Florida, Wisconsin, Vermont and Missouri, where supporters are pushing a ballot initiative

I generally think this is a good idea. I concede that any younger than 18 or so is a bad idea because people younger than that have a different biological response to alcohol than adults, and it's best to let them be a little older.

18 year olds can go to college, get credit cards, join the army, vote, and do most everything else except drink a beer. The 21 year old age was an arbitrary age and should be changed.

But of course the "for the children" nanny types are against that.

Posted by psugrad98 at August 15, 2007 08:33 AM | TrackBack

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