May 16, 2007

We Are Not Confused

Our Governor, Ed Rendell, wanted to shift taxes for schools away from property taxes and partially into an increased local income tax.

We resoundly rejected the proposal.

HARRISBURG (AP) -- Pennsylvania voters said "no deal" to lower property taxes in return for higher local income taxes.

In 142 school districts reporting results of their tax-shift referendums early Wednesday, voters in only three appeared to accept the trade-off, according to returns posted early Wednesday on a Department of State Web site. The 142 represent more than 25 percent of the state's school districts.

The proposed tax shift was touted by the Rendell administration as a chance for homeowners to increase the size of the property-tax cuts they will receive once the state distributes slot-machine gambling revenue to school districts.

But voters weren't interested.

Chuck Ardo, spokesman for Gov. Ed Rendell, said opposition likely reflected voter confusion.

No we are not confused. We just know that if you rasie one tax to promise a lower tax later it just means that both taxes will go up.

Posted by psugrad98 at May 16, 2007 07:45 AM | TrackBack

The vote went down big in Ligonier.
From what I understand, the average person saves 30 bucks in property tax, but pays an extra 120 bucks to a tax that doesn't exist yet. And they call this property tax relief. Real nice Ed.

I for one am dancing around the May pole in celebration of the property tax cuts we received from the casino money that Ed promised.

Voter confusion is laughable, almost as much as Judge Nigro saying he was "a victim of misguided outrage" when he was booted out on his fat ass. spit

Posted by: Tomslick at May 23, 2007 12:59 PM

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