April 11, 2007

My mother and computers

My mother is stupid when it comes to computers. It is the year 2007, people should know how not to screw up their computers.

I work alot at my computer. I get about 1000 emails a month, and I send about 200 or so a month. I very rarely have trouble with my computer. Since I set up my 5 email accounts I check from Mac Mail, the mails I send go through to their intended recipients, and the recipients get their e-mail to me.

Why, oh why, does my mother have trouble with her one e-mail account. Besides the fact that she insists on using a PC and not only that, insists on using MS Outlook. Why does she always seem to be having some trouble sending e-mails?

And why does she always calll me? Argh!

Posted by psugrad98 at April 11, 2007 10:20 AM | TrackBack

well if she is using a PC, have her try Gmail - simple, straight forward

Posted by: Mark at April 18, 2007 01:21 PM

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