February 06, 2007

Ed Rendell is a socialist scumbag

Ed Rendell is a socialist scumbag. Five years ago he promised property tax relief if we only allowed gambling. Well, we have gambling and not only has my property tax not gone down, it has gone up a couple hundred dollars a year.

Plus he raised income tax, and now proposes more tax hikes including an increase in our sales tax, a new tax on our electric bill, and new taxes on cigars.

--Increase the state sales tax from 6 percent to 7 percent. About half will be combined with slot-machine gambling revenue to provide about $900 million in property-tax cuts. --Impose a new electricity consumption tax amounting to about 45 cents a month for the average household, to pay off $850 million in borrowing for alternative power development and energy conservation. --Increase municipal solid-waste disposal fees by $2.75 per ton, for hazardous-waste cleanups and the environmental stewardship fund. --Impose a new tax on oil companies' gross profits and exempt those companies from the state's corporate net-income tax. --Increase the cigarette tax from $1.35 to $1.45 per pack, levy a new tax on other forms of tobacco and impose a new 3 percent payroll tax on employers who do not provide employee health benefits.

Read the story here

Posted by psugrad98 at February 6, 2007 12:37 PM | TrackBack

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