February 02, 2007

Global Warming is Bullshit

I'm really getting sick of global warming. Sure the Earth is warming, but I don't think man really has anything to do with it. I think that many of the scientists (funded by groups desperate to prove global warming) are simply finding causations instead of correlations.

I think the climate change mantra is becoming a religion. It seems that most of the people advocating the idea of global warming are not so much scientists, but socialist progressives and (yikes!) communisits who are more against capitalism and free market economics than they are for a clean environment.

I like this comparison to religion.

The term “skeptic” has historically been a badge of honor proudly worn by scientists as indicating their commitment to the idea that, in the pursuit of truth, nothing is beyond question, every bit of knowledge is open to improvement and/or refutation as new evidence or better theories emerge.

However, in the topsy-turvy field of climate science, “skeptic” is a term of opprobrium and to be labeled a skeptic is to be dismissed as a hack. Being a skeptic concerning global warming today is akin to being a heretic in the Middle Ages—you may not be literally burned at the stake, but your reputation will be put to flames.

Don't beleive me? Look at The Weather Channel

I think next time someone mentions "Global Climate Change" or "Global Warming", i'm going to cut down a tree and not plant another one!!

Posted by psugrad98 at February 2, 2007 07:12 AM | TrackBack

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