December 13, 2006

Let's just ban it

New York has banned Trans-Fat. First it was smoking, now it's Crisco. People like Rush Limbaugh were 100% correct many years ago when they said that when you allow local, state, or federal governments to ban things that they deem bad for you such as smoking, you open the door for them to ban anything they deem bad for you.

Reason Magazine has a great dissertation on this topic

Is there any doubt that the infantilization of adults is one of the defining characteristics of contemporary politics?

Last week alone, New York City banned the use of trans fats in restaurant meals, and an Ohio law passed in November that bans smoking in virtually all business establishments (even in company-owned vehicles such as trailer-truck cabs) went into effect. However different the actions may seem on the surface, they share something all too common in today's America: They rob us of the right to make decisions--however stupid, unwise or repugnant to refined sensibilities--about how we want to live, work and eat.

Sums it up pretty good. All you do gooders out there who want to ban stuff beware. Maybe your vices will be targeted next.

Goodbye freedoms.

Posted by psugrad98 at December 13, 2006 09:41 AM | TrackBack

I can not agree more! it's our right to make such decisions because these desisions are all about your private life and your health.

Posted by: Rob at December 13, 2006 09:57 PM

I agree with both of you. Soon they will ban gay marriage and decide who you sleep with at night, who you can love and not love. All very personal and private matters. And now we can't eat as much fat as we want? You two are true Americans standing up for American freedom.

Posted by: Rob at December 18, 2006 04:02 PM

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