September 05, 2006

Microsoft Office Live Beta Sucks

Microsoft Office Live Beta Sucks. It really sucks. This site says it best. This web based suite has more system requirements than a out of the box software.

Though I use a Mac 90% of the time, my company laptop is a PC running XP. I hooked up for the Live Office Beta test because it was free, and offered a free web-site.

First, they don't tell you that to use the suite, in addition to having to be on a PC and running Internet Explorer, you have to sign up with an e-mail address ending with to utilize their e-mail program. That means if you got a .net passport using your regular e-mail address you are out of luck. You can't get the Office Live e-mail.

It is also very buggy, most of the links go to error messages, and one time it crashed IE.

The web design tools suck ass also. You cannot upload your own web-site, and are required to use their circa 1997 web-site layout.

Take a look at my web-site.. Wow, I haven't seen that level of web-site sophistication since, well, my sophomore year at Penn State. In 1995.

I used to complain about Apple's .Mac service. But you can use a PC, or any web browser. The tools are really easy to use, and though many of the web-site templates suck, you can at least upload your own files if you wish.

I'm gonna cancel my Office Live account if they try to charge me, and I'll continue to be happy I don't have to use a PC, and own a lovely Mac.

Posted by psugrad98 at September 5, 2006 11:52 AM | TrackBack

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