In something that defies logic, but can only come from our government, the Partnership for a Drug Free America (PDFA) is running spots comparing drug addiction to diseases such as AIDS and cancer. With ad's that say "I'd rather have a brain tumor" they try to get their point across. I know my dead aunt was thanking her lucky stars she wasn't smoking pot while she was painfully dying of a brain tumor.
Over at Reason, they discuss why this is fucking stupid.
Though I agree that drug addiction should be viewed as a public health issue, and not as the current police state issue that it currently is, I see hypocrisy in the fact that on one hand they claim that drug dependency is a disease, while still encouraging SWAT enforcement of recreactional pot smokers.
Would they beat down the door of a woman with a brain tumor at 3 am, simply to harrass her?
You can't have it both ways PDFA. (Hey, that's a catchy slogan) But I guess when it comes down to it, we have to expect this kind of illogical propaganda when it comes to the immoral "war on drugs".
Posted by psugrad98 at August 10, 2006 07:51 AM | TrackBack