June 07, 2006

Private Property Rights-1, Intrusive Government-0

In a blow to the do gooders around the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the House rejected a bill that would ban smoking most every place

This is good news for business owners who wish to choose what sort of customers they wish to have. It is also a blow to people like Rep. Susan Cornell, R-Montgomery, who wish to sit on both sides of the fence; Raking in billions in tobacco taxes to pay for their pork and pay increases while making smokers stay home and limiting the responsible use of a legal product by consenting adults.

Posted by psugrad98 at June 7, 2006 11:09 AM | TrackBack

Luckily, Sue Cornell was ousted in the primaries by Tom Murt - a great guy, former advisor of mine, and Iraq war veteran.

Posted by: Daniel J. Kelly at June 7, 2006 07:37 PM

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