In a terrifying decision by the Supreme Court of the Repulik of Kalifornia, police may now enter homes of people suspected of DUI, WITHOUT A WARRANT!
AP) SAN FRANCISCO Police may enter Californians' homes without warrants to arrest those suspected of driving under the influence, the California Supreme Court ruled Thursday in a case testing the scope of the Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures.The 6-1 decision follows similar rulings in about a dozen other states. A dissenting justice said the majority handed authorities a "free pass" to unlawfully enter private homes and arrest people without warrants.
The case concerned the 2003 Santa Barbara arrest of Daniel Thompson, whom a neighbor suspected was driving drunk and notified authorities. They found a parked car matching the description the neighbor provided and went to the front door of the adjoining residence during a summer evening.
The door was open and a woman said the car's driver was asleep. Moments later, Thompson walked by the officers and they entered the house and arrested him. The neighbor confirmed it was the person she suspected of driving intoxicated and throwing an empty vodka bottle out the car door.
Thompson's blood-alcohol level was 0.21, almost three times the legal limit for driving. He was convicted and handed a three-year suspended sentence. He appealed.
I blame to do gooder assholes that make-up MADD. These dumb bitches are so distraught about people drinking and driving that they are willing to torch the constitution and any protections it affords against an ever intrususive state.
I'm sure the MADD folks are jumping for joy. It just gives me chills. First the Nazi reminescent "checkpoints" (note they are now doing this for seatbelts too!) and now these jackboot thug cops can enter your home without a warrent, "for the public good".
If ANYONE ever busts down my door for any reason, even if they are cops. They will leave in body bags.