I saw The DaVinci Code. It was pretty good. Now, it wasn't acadamy award winning movie, but it was pretty good. Better than most that have been coming out in recent months, or years for that matter. It was enjoyable, fun, and entertaining, and that is all I want from a movie.
Though I read in the paper that people were protesting it like mad, but I think those people are crazy. They interviewed them. None of the protestors read the book, or plan on seeing the movie. They are doing it because their parish priests told them. In effect, they illustrate some of the points of the book by their actions.
I guess they don't understand the concept of "fiction".
Posted by psugrad98 at May 22, 2006 08:05 AM | TrackBackIf it was "Age of Reason" approved, I should like to see it then.
Posted by: Wickwire at May 24, 2006 06:29 PM