David Letterman and his baboon heart can go get cancelled. His show is totally unfunny and borders on Keith Olberman smarminess, but no one could be that smarmy.
Leno may be a lib, but at least I respect him for being an entertainer first, and not commenting on news. If I want that I'll watch O'Reilly.
You are right.
Letterman showed he is capable only of issuing obscenities, condemning what he thinks Bill O'Reilly says and stands for without ever having listened to him, and condemning Bush's nine reasons he gave the UN and the nation in his State of the Union for invading Iraq without knowing what they are. Letterman can only name one: WMDs. And blames the discrepancies in the estimates only on Bush but not also Clinton, Putin, Blair, Mubarak, et al.
He is uninformed on the reasons Bush gave because he refuses to invest himself in what the President said to the country on this most crucial of issues any more than he will invest himself in knowing what his political full-of-"crap" opponents are saying.
Then when they present their arguments he must admit he is not intelligent enough to debate the points with them, like with O'Reilly, and then desperately tries to change the subject from those he loses ground on when speaking about.
All of which qualifies him as a typical Liberal, as is easily seen in online discussions with them.
Posted by: RufusLeeKing at January 5, 2006 02:31 AM