December 09, 2005

AIM buddy

I logged into my AIM, which I don't use much, but I wanted to see if my sister was online to say hello as she is graduating college soon.

There was this guy called ShoppingBudy in my buddy list. I don't know who the hell ShoppingBudy was, but what he doing in my buddy list? So I IM'd him; I said "Who the Fuck are you?"

He said, "Welcome. Now you can search for products with AOLShopping. Type main to get started. To read our privacy policy, type privacy anytime.".

A crummy commercial? I felt like poor Ralphy whe he got his decoder pin and the "secret message" was to drink more Ovaltine.

Posted by psugrad98 at December 9, 2005 04:49 PM | TrackBack

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