November 07, 2005

I have a dream

I had a strange dream last night. In it I was smoking marijuana with Bob Marley.

I wonder what in the world that can mean?

Posted by psugrad98 at November 7, 2005 12:01 PM | TrackBack

It means you should smoke weed with Bob Marley.

Posted by: statia at November 10, 2005 10:33 PM

"Smoking" is sunconsience thought of a clouded vision and "weed" is a feeling of uselessness or desperation.

Due to the present alignment of Saturn and Uranus, The 5th house of enlightenment is dominant in the syzygy of Aragomemnon.

In simpler terms and ones that actually make sense, you should smoke weed with the ghost of Bob Marley.

Your Welcome in advance

Posted by: Tomslick at November 14, 2005 04:02 PM

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