October 28, 2005

Call us, we won't call you

I told you earlier about how I always neglect to get my Book Of The Month Club forms back in time and they are always sending me books that I don't want, and I then have to return.

Well yesterday I got a typewritten postcard in the mail stating that I will no longer have to send my cards back, and that my account is now set up that if I want the monthly selection, I will have to mail the card and say I want the book.

To me, that always makes more sense than the countless and pointless books they choose for you, and send you. As I said earlier, there is a November selection, and a Thanksgiving selection, a December selection, and a Christmas selection. There are so many selections, you can't keep track of them all.

Thank God they finally caught on to my disgust.

Posted by psugrad98 at October 28, 2005 08:21 AM | TrackBack

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