October 24, 2005

More on Comcast OLN dispute

This site says my thoughts exactly.

Comcast just doesn't get it. After deciding to spend $65 million to put the NHL on OLN (formerly Outdoor Life Network), you think it would hit the streets begging for customers. Tell the truth. How many of you watched OLN, much less knew where it was on your remote?

Instead, the country's largest cable provider decided to black out the NHL games on regional systems and the Dish Network where it didn't think OLN was getting the proper exposure. Comcast wants these systems and Dish to take OLN off packages that require an extra fee and make it available to more potential viewers.

That's admirable to a point except a contract is a contract, and Comcast is accused of violating it by suddenly demanding that OLN must be seen by at least 40 percent of a system's total subscribers. Or no hockey.

Comcast deserves a smack in the face.

Posted by psugrad98 at October 24, 2005 09:40 AM | TrackBack

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