Well yesterday we got another kitty. His name is Toby. We got him from the lady who had him, and on the way home we found he had fleas. Already having two cats and a dog, and one of those cats being a long haired Maine Coon, we didn't want to bring the creepy crawlers into our home, so we went to the pet store and got some flea spray, and that seemed to get the fleas under control before we got home.
Stupid us, we decided to sleep with kitty in our bed. Trouble is, Kittens are like infant humans. They power nap for 10 minutes at a time. After 4 hours of sleeping in short kitten like bursts, Toby's new nocturnal residence is in my office downstairs. This morning he woke up bright eyed and is following my wife around the house.
He's a cute cat. Like infant humans, kittens grow fast. I'm thinking on taking in another cat too. A tabby.
Posted by: Wickwire at September 30, 2005 01:26 PM