August 15, 2005

Xenu Says...

Xenu has been spotted at a recent anti-war protest.
xenu hates thetans.jpg

And speaking of freakish things, I found this in my comment box in regards to my poking fun of the cult of Scientology.

Wow, You really need Scientology. You should first of all, learn to read,as your ability to understand is not there at all, You need to go get some auditing, to remove the hatred from your case,which makes one extremely, biased, predudiced and out right crazy viewpoints on Scientology or really anything, which goes to creating an absolutely crazy world in which we live in. I hope you like it, as with out Scientology, disapating alot of the insanity and hatred, your going to be living in it. Then you need to just grow up, and realize what you are doing? Your making Scientology Double in Size, OverNight, and when it does guess who will get the last laughs? As The systems fail out here, which they will,because of the nut cases like your self are so rampant, Guess who has the tech, strength and know how to put it all right? It is obvious, you have no idea what Scientology is about, so for that I pity You, as You are missing out on the greatest adventure ever. Finding out who you really are. If you have the same concepts as ages past,then your not growing, as when you grow you always get new concepts and the concepts are not what you think they are till your there. When you finally get there, you just gained a new ability. But not you, your stunting your growth forever and don't even have a clue why. Man as man is going to grow up, Thanks to Scientology. You are a Spiritual being, So guess what you are going to grow up to? Hint, Isn't God a spiritual being too? Not you though, your baring your path for eternity, in fact your past is why you are so blind now, and you are trying to destroy a path that opens your memory of who you really are, So you will always remain in the degraded condition of Man. What if I am right? Look at the concequences of your actions, That is what determines your Tomorrows...Use your artistic talents to help man kind, your hatred will start to dissapate. Help Scientology eliminate hatred and insanity, Other wise someone will be degrading what your trying to create some day.In sanity is spiralling faster and faster every day, Scientology is just trying to do something about it, If we fail you will be the effect of it, then see who will be, free to laugh...

Hmm.. So evil Thetans are invading my psyche. I guess I either need auditing, or a hole in the head.

I think a hole in the head makes more sense.

Posted by psugrad98 at August 15, 2005 03:28 PM | TrackBack

Thanks for posting that. It was the best laugh I had all day.

Now I wonder if mental illness and the ignorance of the proper use of commas is somehow related.

Posted by: tomslick at August 19, 2005 04:59 PM

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