I had to go out of town for work this weekend, and got to talking with my brother who I had to drop off at his Vacation Bible School. He told me that he isn't really told much about God or Jesus, but rather the set of rules that make up his particular religion. In this case Catholicism.
And then I read some discussion by Don about Christianity and it got me to thinking about the effect of religion, that is how dows religion affect morals.
Religion tries to control how we act and make us act in a way that it wants us to by fear. It says that a vengeful god will punish you for acting in ways contrary to his word. But a reasonable person will act the same way because it is beneficial to you and society.
I will not commit murder for fear of going to Hell, but I will rather not commit murder because it is wrong on other fronts. It hurts families, takes away a income for a family, and it is illegal.
Posted by psugrad98 at August 1, 2005 04:10 PM | TrackBack