But, I think the suburban sprawl has gone too far. The area where I grew up and went to high school is unrecognizable. The long thoroughfare through the suburban landscape of my youth is changed. Gone is the drive in where I spent many steam summers. Gone are the mom and pop stores and restaurants there were highlights. Everybody knew your name.
They are all being replaced with Wegmans, Best Buys, Targets. In a 4 mile stretch of my old hometown is a K-Mart, Wal~Mart supercenter, 3 major food stores, 2 McDonald's, Lowes, Home Depot, Citcut City, Petco, Petsmart, and others I can't remember.
They are now building a Wegmans, Target, BestBuy, and a few other stores.
When is enough enough. This isn't a large town. This is a 4 mile stretch of road. I'm all for the taxes brought in, jobs created, and money for the economy. But do we really need all this shit?
Here's a story about it.