Water that is. First I had trouble with my washing machine leaking water all over my floor. I pulled the beast out, and in the hot Sun I inspected all hoses, took them off, reconnected them and secured them with silicone. To be on the safe side I also got a drip pan to lay under the entire washer to catch any stray water.
I can't even test it now because our well pump burned itself out. The last time it was replaced was 1990, so 15 years out of a deep well pump is pretty good. Bruce, our well guy, said that 15 years is good. So we are dry, and it is hot. Tomorrow he is coming over to pull it out of its underground lair and replace it, and my wallet will be $500 drier as well.
But at least we'll be able to bathe.
So in the meantime we decided to go over to the state park and take the dog swimming. We chose an isolated place, away from the regular swimming area at the boat launch area. We also met a nice guy who had a pretty sweet RC speed boat. He let me drive it, and it was good.
Until the DickNer came. We call them DickNers for a twofold purpose. 1.) their shirts say DCNR for Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources. 2.) They are all dicks. He told us that we were wading in a non-doggie area, and that the official area is somewhere else. I was confused because I saw not a single person, save boat guy, the whole time were were there that a 25 pound dog would bother.
DickNer then told boat guy that his boat was not allowed in the lake. He was confused because larger boats with only electric motors are allowed on the lake, and since his 2 foot boat was electric, it would be allowed. But I guess not.
It's really hard to enjoy yourself at any Pennsylvania state park because of the myriad of state regulations that would make even people at the Department of Transportation throw their arms up in disgust at the confusing regulations.
The state parks are losing money because of funding cuts, and dwindling attendance. I say it is because it's too much of a bother to even try to enjoy yourself at a state park because of DickNers. They all suck and make you not have a good time. I would much rather go to a private/public lake in the poconos.
At least there, DickNers don't exist.