June 03, 2005

Hands on home row

I found this moderately old typewriter in my spare bedroom. It is my father's. He never uses it. It is a 1970s vintage Kmart 100 portable typewriter. Nothing fancy about it, so I won't even post an image of it.

But while trying to find information on this typewriter (which still works, BTW), I found a site called Mr. Typewriter, I found out that a lot of people collect typewriters, and some are truely beautiiful.

My favorite, and perhaps the most common, cheapest, and easiest to fine, is the granddaddy of all typewriters. It is the Underwood #5


I just love the steel beauty of early and mid 20th century items like cash registers, radios, and typewriters. There is something quite beautiful about them.

Speaking of cash registers, here is my 1920 National model 313.

Posted by psugrad98 at June 3, 2005 09:16 AM

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