May 31, 2005

Small Town America

Liberals, and most in Hollywood just don't get it. They don't get America.

I live in the country, but am very active in a local town. That's where I belong to the Elks and Masonic lodges.

We marched in the Memorial day parade, and I saw something repeatedly that brought tears to my eyes. As we marched by, with the American Flag being carried by one of us in the lead, I saw veterans, cops, firemen, and other uniformed officers stop what they were doing, and salute our flag.

One man in particular moved me. He was an elderly gentleman, and had much trouble standing on his own. He needed a friend to raise him from his wheel chair. He still rose, and on wobbly legs, stood at attention and saluted his flag. Our flag.

The flag of small towns, and country roads. The country I love. The country that many in Hollywood don't understand.

Posted by psugrad98 at May 31, 2005 03:59 PM

I was moved just reading your blog. I saw that at a parade once too. I was next to an old man in a wheel chair when the military marched by in the parade. The old man saw them and got very happy (he came to life), he stood up to salute. It made me more patriotic than I already was.

Posted by: Wickwire at May 31, 2005 05:14 PM

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