April 13, 2005

Well &$@*! you!!

If any one has ever heard young kids speak to each other, or even to adults, you know they have potty mouths. The Washington Post has a pretty good article on the erosion of our speech, and about kids using excessive profanity.

In classrooms and hallways and on the playground, young people are using inappropriate language more frequently than ever, teachers and principals say. Not only is it coarsening the school climate and social discourse, they say, it is evidence of a decline in language skills. Popular culture has made ugly language acceptable and hip, and many teachers say they only expect things to get uglier.

I know when I was in 4th grade I was caught saying "Fuck". I was taken to the principal's office, had to write a letter to my parents, and then had to eat lunch by myself in the principal's office for the remainder of the year, which amounted to about 3 months. Needless to say I don't get caught swearing anymore!!

Posted by psugrad98 at April 13, 2005 08:10 AM

Profanity is the publics expression for stupidity.

I am not sure who in the fuck wrote that. lol Pun intended.
I remember getting paddled for using the word "damn", but that seems easier than 3 months of solitary.

Posted by: Tomslick at April 13, 2005 09:13 AM

Good post. I just found you yesterday during blog hopping. Hope you don't mind, I copied that Washington Post article to the two "moms" groups I'm a part of. It's a good wake up call for us parents.

Posted by: Wickwire at April 13, 2005 05:10 PM

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